“Strokes gained” is a relatively new term in the world of golf statistics. Since its partial implementation on the PGA Tour in 2011 with the “Strokes Gained Putting” stat, much has been written on the topic. Still it is recognized by few, and even among those who have heard of it, few really understand its power, simplicity, and elegance. At Strokes Gained Golf (SGG) we believe that in the next few years strokes gained analysis will revolutionize the world of golf, change the way PGA Tour players understand their game, change the way golfers are ranked in various categories, and change the way golf is talked about in the media. It is the goal of Strokes Gained Golf to enable the amateur golfer to take advantage of many of the benefits this new statistic can bring to every golfer’s game.
Because strokes gained is so new, these pages are offered to explain and educate the typical golfer about how it developed, what it is, and how it can be implemented to the advantage of any golfer who is interested in measuring their own game with this powerful new tool. We hope you will find the following informative and useful, and that the potential of strokes gained analysis applied to your own game will excite you as much as it does us. Welcome to SGG, where amateur golf statistics are being revolutionized.
History of Strokes Gained
In the last few years, the golf world has been introduced to a powerful and elegant new statistical methodology called “strokes gained”. Sports like basketball, baseball, and football have seen dramatic change in recent years due to advanced metrics and analytics. Golf is now poised to join these sports with dynamic and versatile analytics that promise to revolutionize the sport.
How Strokes Gained Works
Strokes gained is a powerful advanced metric with far-reaching consequences in the golf world. There are numerous articles in major publications that address strokes gained and recognize it as a statistic that will change the way golf is played and understood. Unfortunately, those same articles portray the math behind the statistics as beyond the grasp of most normal people. There is an overwhelming perception that the strokes gained method is too complex for non-statisticians to understand.
What Strokes Gained Statistics Can Do For You and Your Golf Game
The purpose of strokesgainedgolf.com is to make all the power of strokes gained statistics available to all golfers. We are constantly working hard to make tools available that make the necessary recording of data as simple and easy as possible. To repeat, the data required is not complicated: you simply need to record the distance-to-hole and lie type for each ball at rest during your round. Our systems for recording the data are described in detail here: How To Use This Website